2007. augusztus 14., kedd

Bergmans Life-work in Moving Pictures

The following sample videos come from Bergmans significant works.

Smiles of a Summer Night (1955) the intricate romantic comedy made famous director from Bergman.

The Seventh Seal (1957), a knight plays chess with Death.

Wild Strawberries (1957) The story is following the a day in the life of an old professor. Flashbacks and dream sequences are creating a penetrating investigation of life and death.

The trilogy

Through a Glass Darkly (1961)

Winter Light (1963)

And the last film of trilogy The Silence (1963)

His most personal film Persona (1966)

Bergman shows the human psyche and relationships over again.
Cries and Whispers (1972) Look at the colors too. It’s brilliant.

His last movie film Fanny and Alexander (1982). Watch this trailer.

The last film from Bergman is a TV film. Saraband (2003)

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