2007. szeptember 10., hétfő

The Best Video Compression Tutorials on Youtube

Video on the web is a huge part of today's internet experience.
How to make your video "web friendly"?

Many different formats and video compression programs are waiting for you. The following videos can help you achieve the best final result. These videos show you the suitable programs and settings.

In this video you can see the two-step solution, with Movie Maker and Virtual Dub.

Canopus is an excellent program for this kind of work. In this video you can get detailed information on the program settings.

Many people say the Premier isn't any good at these sort of tasks. Watch this video.

And finally the Movavi Video Suite. Maybe this is the most userfriendly solution.

Of course these videos don't show every possiblity. If you want more tips, check out the VideoHelp.com and Squidoo.com websites.

Good Luck

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