2007. július 13., péntek

Weekly Indie Gems

The best independent videos in the last week. Watch these films and leave your comment!

Film by notoriousm

I like this animation because the maker creates perfect work with several emphatic pictures and subtitles. Some elements are stereotypical , but these are expressive too. He uses different technics, photos, drawings, collage etc. Unfortunately sometimes I can’t read the subtiles. But this is the youtube frame size . The music harmonize with the pictures and the story, but it is sentimental a ’bit. I like the laconism of the end of the film.

He is a gifted guy. See more works for him.

Spare Parts
Film by Ankn85

Spare Part is an excellent, german, student film. There are gloomy pictures with effects and voices in there. But the actors play and plastic lungs are funny. This contrast gives the films essence. Monty Python's The Meaning of Life comes to my mind. In this film in one scene a man in a white robe cut out the „unseeing” peoples tracts. It’s very absurd, as Spare Parts too.

The film haven’t got any redundant infromation. The creator uses some shots cleverly and with good rhythm. It is artless, consistent, meaty and it has very good atmosphere.

I like this film.

Film by paraschaudhari

Jeet is a very nice videoclip on You Tube. But it isn’t only nice, it is an excellent work too. The pictures and the music are consonant and have good rhythm. The editing effects enhance the films power. It’s perfect.
We get used to the different frame sizes and the motion effects. We have seen this result yet in action films and videoclips. In most cases it wasn’t well but in this film the creators can work out this problem.

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