2007. március 13., kedd

Hungarian Animation for Oscar

The animation filmmaking in Hungary was pushed into the background on last decades. But recently the 3D animation’s evolution attracts many hungarian people this field again.

For example Pál Tóth in Szeged, Hungary. He experiments borders of the animation. Géza M. Tóth belongs to this creaters too. His last film the Maestro has got several international awards and it was nominated for Oscar.

Will old succeses of hungarian animation come back?

Hungarian animation in the past

Ferenc Rufusz’s Fly won the Oscar (in 1981)

Marcell Jankovics’s Sisyphus was nominated for Oscar (in 1976)

Béla Ternovszky’s most famous film the Cat City (in 1986)

Gyula Macskássy’s Duel Oscar nominee (in 1961). He was the greatest creater and committed to the hungarian animation.

Good luck to the Hungarian animation.

1 megjegyzés:

Chris Sobieniak írta...

I often felt Hungarian animators have done such a terrific job on these productions in the past, and have hope for the future if another one obtains an Oscar someday.